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Mother, Daughter Find Quick Results In Harrison's Can't Lose Diet

HARRISON, N.Y. -- The "freshman 15" is an expression commonly used that refers to an amount of weight gained during a student's first year at college usually attributed to the carbohydrate-rich cafeteria-style food and junk food loaded up in dorm rooms.

Photo Credit: Contributed by Sherry Bruck

With many dining halls set up in all-you-can-eat style with mega dessert choices, add in lack of sleep, stress, and decreased levels of exercise, it’s no wonder most students arrive home with the pounds packed on.

Harrison resident Maria became concerned with her daughter's weight gain when Anna moved home for the summer upon completing her freshman year at college. They discussed weight loss options like the Lapband surgery as they knew other girls who had had the procedure. But then Maria saw an article about Can’t Lose Diet’s guarantee of a 20 pound loss in 40 days and thought it was worth a try.

“I’m on high cholesterol medication and could also lose some weight so I said to Anna, come on. We’ll do it together,” Maria said.

She added, “What we liked most about Can't Lose Diet is that we could eat our own food. I love to cook and with other diets like Jenny Craig or NutriSystem you have to worry about buying their food. But how long can you eat packaged food? Can‘t Lose Diet teaches us how to eat differently with real food, so it’s the better way to lose weight.”

Even though the Fat-Burning Phase is very restrictive with limited calories, Anna was extremely receptive and motivated because she wanted fast results. She immediately lost weight, which spurred her on even more.

Then came Anna’s week long trip to the Jersey Shore with her friends right in the middle of the Phase One 40 day fat-burning mode. Can’t Lose Diet owner, Pat Hall, sat with Anna and devised strategies for eating out and how to make the best choices, while still having fun with her friends.

Anna went food shopping for herself and took her own food. On her return weigh-in she posted a zero weight gain. The plan worked — she had a wonderful vacation with her friends, and felt fantastic that she was able to navigate all the temptation and stick to her diet.

Now after the first 40 day phase, Anna lost 23 pounds and Maria lost 17.

“We did our two-week maintenance together and we are now in Phase 2 fat-burning mode again. We’re excited because we know the diet’s going to work. Anna will be returning to college in a few weeks and she’ll have to adjust to controlling her food and eating in a new environment. Pat is coaching and teaching her how to manage. Pat is a real mentor for Anna and has completely changed her point of view on what to eat and how to take responsibility for her health and well being," Maria said.

“Anna is busy with work, school and her friends. There have been times she’s been out at Chipoltle and she’s learned how to adjust without being left out of the fun,'' Maria added. "Her friends are very supportive and they have even become interested in following Anna’s lead. Anna is a young girl and she’s done so well and learned so much. Her whole aura has changed and she has a more positive outlook. It’s not a cheap diet but it’s completely worth it."

(The names of the women in this story have been changed for their privacy rights).


This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, Can't Lose Diet. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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